About Me
I'm a Ph.D. student in Computer Science at the University of Liverpool (UK), under the supervision of Yannis Goulermas, Vladimir Gusev, Michael Gaultois, Rahul Savani, Matthew Rosseinsky, and in collaboration with the Leverhulme research centre for functional materials design. I received my MSc degree in Pure and Applied Mathematics from the University of Rome "Tor Vergata" (IT).
What I do
I work in the exciting field of AI4Science, specializing in AI-driven materials discovery. My research encompasses deep learning for material property prediction, representation learning, and inverse materials design using deep generative models. Currently, I am particularly interested in Geometric Graph Neural Networks, Contrastive Learning, and Diffusion Models.
You can find a list of my publications here.
Material property prediction
Generative design
Industry Projects
Discovery of new Transparent Conductors using Machine Learning
Oct 2020 — ongoingFunded by NSG Group